Thursday, August 13, 2009


A friendly smile...

Black or white; two worlds, it's two realities...

Never Lose Faith!
We never really lost faith in our culture,
but then modern society seems to think otherwise...

What big teeth you have!
"The better to eat you with!"

“The art of clowning involves much more than the slapstick and oversized shoes of the traditional circus clown. The character of The Fool is an essential ingredient of human society - a universal archetype found in some form in all cultures and in all times.” From Philosophy of a Clown by Jan Henderson

.byuti [byoo-tee]
–noun, plural -ties.


the quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind, whether arising from sensory manifestations (as shape, color, sound, etc.), a meaningful design or pattern, or something else (as a personality in which high spiritual qualities are manifest).

You know, this portrait provokes so many thoughts in me, so many questions, .....

but I can’t find the answers...

I want to list them all, but I won’t even try, the list would be far too long and I would never find the answers anyway, ... at least not the ones I’m looking for. You see, I live in a land with so many resources, natural and man-made, where they still call us the third World. It makes me wonder, but then they seldem tell the full truth about anything here. I just came back from the Avenida Paulista after a long day in meetings. This Avenue represents Brazil’s financial heart and probably accomodates some of the most expensive property per square metre in the World. Believe me there’s very few places on earth that can compare in wealth to this place, ... but it still has its street kids.
Opposed to this third World lie, the little girl’s beauty is the pure truth; it’s both natural and man-made, and independent of her social reality. Who can question her beauty? That we need to question is the social injustice she will be facing as she grows older in a country that invests so little in the next generation, even though we have some of the best facilities in health, education and technology, to which she will have little or no access. Avenida Paulista is as totally contrasting to her reality as one can possibly imagine and I doubt that she will ever set foot on its sidewalks. That is, if she doesn’t end up a street kid...............

With a little help from my friends...

Innocent Simplicity
.i.nəsənt [in-uh-suhnt]
–adjective from moral wrong; without sin; pure: innocent children.

.sim.plic.i.ty [sim-plis-i-tee]
–noun, plural -ties.

1.the state, quality, or an instance of being simple.

Can we not preserve something so precious?

I am the Change!
Can you feel it?
Can you hear it?
Can you see it?
Can you be it?

Go BIG for the REFLECTions

A friend in need!

Oh Freedom over me, over me.
Off you go little friend...............

Defy The Future

With a little help from our hummingbirds!

A penny for your Thoughts...

…magical rhapsody in blue....................

During our outreach programme in the community, Maycon couldn't understand why I wanted to take a picture of his almost magical eyes. He only let me take one picture, probably thinking I might steal some of his magic.....................

Blue is the main colour of the sapphire. Blue is also the favourite colour of some 50 per cent of all people, men and women alike. We associate this colour, strongly linked to the sapphire as it is, with feelings of sympathy and harmony, friendship and loyalty: feelings which belong to qualities that prove their worth in the long term – feelings in which it is not so much effervescent passion that is to the fore, but rather composure, mutual understanding and indestructible trust. Thus the blue of the sapphire has become a colour which fits in with everything that is constant and reliable.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

It's been a year since Bernie Mac died....

He will be greatly missed by many, especially me!

October 5, 1957 – August 9, 2008

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Brave - Idina Menzel

BRAVE: Idina Menzel

Don't know just where I'm going
And tomorrow, it's a little overwhelming
And the air is cold
And I'm not the same anymore
I've been running in your direction For to long now I've lost my own reflection
And I can't look down
If you're not there to catch me when I fall.

If this is the moment I stand here on my own
If this is my rite of passage that somehow leads me home
I might be afraid But it's my turn to be brave
If this is the last chance before we say goodbye
At least it's the first day of the rest of my life
I can't be afraid Cause it's my turn to be brave

All along all I ever wanted, was to be the light
When your life was daunting
But I can't see mine
When I feel as though you're pushing me away
Well who's to blame, are we making the right choices
Cause we can't be sure if we're hearing our own voices
As we close the door even though we are so desperate to stay

If this is the moment I stand here on my own
If this is my rite of passage that somehow leads me home
I might be afraid But it's my turn to be brave
If this is the last chance before we say goodbye
At least it's the first day of the rest of my life
I can't be afraid Cause it's my turn to be brave

And I might still cry
And I might still bleed
These thorns in my side
This heart on my sleeve
And lightening may strike This ground at my feet
And I might still crash
But I still believe

This is the moment I stand here all alone
With everything I have inside, everything I own
I might be afraid But it's my turn to be brave
If this is the last time before we say goodbye
At least it's the first day of the rest of my life
I can't be afraid Cause it's my turn to be brave