Friday, July 17, 2009

10 Random musings of a...College student

1...I have yet to figure out what X is equal....Help me out man!!!!

2...Oprah is always the best!! No matter what...

This was a tribute to a family that had Trisomy 18. It was really touching. It just goes and has the kid's parent's writing him letters for each day of his life...until it reaches his birth of 99 days. On his funeral...they release 99 balloons to represent each day that he was alive. It's such a good way to look at life, and living it to the fullest.

3...Certain books are good to read only once...Twilight...That's a three, maybe four time read...I'll read it all the time, even later when I'm married...They'll be an added collection to my books later on in life.

4...Salt and Vineagar Chips. What makes them salty? The Vineagar, or the Salt????
5...Black, or Pink???
6...Why does it haveta smell like Turkeys in Ephraim?
7...Can't make a choice? Do both!!!!

8...Why is so hard to understand that you should stoppppppppp!! yelling like a stupid little girl, though you're at least 18 and a boy, at eleven at night when others are trying to sleep...
9...Most College boys are immature!
10...I've been in Ephraim almost 2 years and haven't gone to the S yet...Infact, i haven't even gone and hiked to the Y, and i've been in Utah almost 2 years....go figure!

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