Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Part 1 - Creative [Kre] - ay - [tiv]

This is a story of a girl named Acadia...

Welcome to the set.” Taylor said quietly. It seemed as if he was as nervous as I was. “Thanks. Where are we headed?” I asked. “To make – up and then the photo shoot. Are you as nervous as I am?” he asked. “Yeah, which is weird, because you’re used to it.” I said. “Yeah, true. I don’t know what’s going on with me. I guess I feel a little intimidated.” He said. “That’s sweet. Really sweet. Who all is going to be there?” I asked. “And what is the photo shoot about?” I finished, shoving my hands in my sweatshirt pockets. “I think us, Ashley, Nikki, Peter, Kellan, and Alex.” He said. “Sweet. Man, I’m so nervous.” I said. “So, how did you get the gig to compose all the scores for the movie?” he asked. “I tried out, believe it or not. I guess they liked a piece that I made enough.” I said smiling. “Wow, how much time will you have to spend on that?” Taylor asked.

I w
as still in shock that I was standing next to him. “Once we wrap up filming, I’ll go and work with the orchestra. Hopefully, I can start getting stuff put together in spare time, but I don’t think I’ll have spare time.” I said smiling. “Probably not.” He said smiling. We laughed together and he quickly opened a door for me. “Welcome. This is the make - up room.” He said. I stopped, and looked around and sighed. “Wow. How did you feel when you were first starting? Especially when you were younger. The shark boy and lava girl years?” I asked. “I don’t know. I still get nervous. Like I am right now.” He said. “Well, it’s an honor to be with the coolest werewolf here.” I said.

I heard that.” A voice said. Alex Meraz walked up and looked at us. “You know, that’s a very bad first impression. Holy Shit, excuse my French, but you. You’re you.” He said. “I’m me?” I said smiling. “Wow, I think I’m star struck.” Alex said. Taylor nodded in agreement. “I feel the same way.” “You’re Acadia Johnson, the youngest composer, and the new composer for the movie.” he asked. “Oh guys, thanks. I appreciate it. Really, but I don’t need any special treatment. I just hope I’m going to fit in, and we’ll be able to make it look like a family so fast.” I said. “I think it’ll go pretty fast. The girls are fans, they’ve been listening to your music for a long time, and it can be difficult to warm up to Nikki and Ashley, and the others.” Alex said smiling. “Oh great. This isn’t helping.” I said. “Welcome to the family,” Alex said laughing. I looked to him and sighed. “Thanks?” I asked. He laughed and opened up his arms to offer a hug. I walked to him, and he gave me a hug. Taylor joined in, and then we sat and waited.

or some reason, the make – up artists weren’t there yet, and the rest of the cast that was coming to the shoot wasn’t there. In what seemed forever, my nerves finally stopped eating at my insides, and then they started to come back in waves as the rest of the cast I was meeting for the photo shoot came in. First it was Kellan Lutz, then Ashley Greene, and after her, another two of my favorite actors, Peter Facinelli and Chaske Spencer.

Who’s your friend?” Peter asked putting his hand on my shoulder. He gave the same reaction that Alex did when he came in. “Shit, you’re the composer. You’re Acadia?” he asked. “That’s me, and of course I know who you are, it’s nice to meet you Mr.…” “Peter. Please.” He said cutting me off. I extended my hand and we shook hands for a second, and then the photographer, director and make – up artists came in to the room in a hurry. “Okay. You’re all here. Good. Everyone. This is Acadia Johnson. She’s going to be playing the part of Ness. She’s also the composer for all the scores in the movie. I’m sure you know who they are, but there’s Alex, Nikki Ashley, Peter, Kellan, Jackson and Chaske. We’re sorry we’re late, but get in a chair, and we’ll get going.” David said walking towards me. I smiled and extended my hand. “It’s nice to meet you,” he said before I could say the same thing he did. “Thanks. It’s an honor to meet you.” I said smiling. I walked to a free chair, in between Nikki and Ashley, and sat down. I had never realized i had just strictly sat myself down between two girls who would be my best friends. They both smiled at me. “So, how are you feeling?” Nikki was the first to ask. “A little nervous.” I said looking down to my phone, and then up to her. “Okay, I lied, very nervous. This is the first time. This is so weird.” I said.

Coming soon. What happens next?

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