Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Part 2 - Creative [Kre] - ay - [tiv]

What's going to happen???

We know how you feel. This was how we felt on our first time going on the big screen.” Ashley said. “It’s nice to finally meet you, we’re both big fans.” Ashley said looking to me. Nikki nodded in agreement. “Thank you. I’m a big fan of both of you too.” I said smiling.

nce make - up and hair was done, it was on to wardrobe room, and then the set where we’d be taking some of the promotional pictures, and introducing me as Renesmee. I was the first one on the set. It was going to be ‘the Cullen’ Residence in the movie.

Are you two ready?” I could hear the photographer ask. Taylor walked up next to me, and smiled. “I guess so. Do we have to wait for them?” I asked. “We’re going to do a few photos with just the two of you while we’re waiting, and once the rest of them leave, I’ll get back to work with you two.” He said. I nodded and followed Taylor.

t was so weird. We were already jumping into intimate pictures. I was proud to say I got to kiss him, very early in this great process.

A d
ay done!

I was excited to get a jump on the training they had scheduled for me. The boys (Kellan, Jackson, Taylor, Alex and Chaske) were going to join me in my work out schedule, since it was going to be strenuous. After that, we’d start, and in all this time, I had to learn my lines, and work on music. It was going to be a long week.

So, how’s it going?” Taylor asked walking in to the work out room. It had been a week, and it had been long. Real long. “I’m so good. How are you?” I asked looking to him from the treadmill. He smiled and dropped his jacket and water - bottle on the floor. “I guess slow and steady wins the race could be my motto for the day. I’m so tired.” He said.

Amen! I am so tired too. I’ve been so busy. I think I’ve gotten three hours of sleep in the last three or four days.” I said. I yawned and gestured to my yawn. “Any insight on music?” he asked. “Yes, I think I’ve found a way to make the wolf pack’s theme greater. I’m going to the studio after this to work with some of the girls in the orchestra. You are more than welcome to come.” I said. “Wow, thanks. I’d love to. I was wondering. Dinner tonight? Maybe we could run lines after?” he said. “Sure, that sounds good.” I said smiling. I turned my attention to the script. I had a goal to have most of the page memorized by the time I was done running my ten miles. I had run over five, so almost four to go.

Welcome. I’m so happy to be here today.” Jimmy said, laughing. The group laughed with him. “This famous author’s first saga, hit the world by storm, rating it one of the most popular movies in the world for its time. Yes, you know what we’re talking about. The newest Saga has done the same thing, I think even more. Please welcome out two very popular people, on screen couple Renesmee Cullen and Jacob black, you know them as Taylor Lautner and Acadia Johnson.” He said. The crowd cheered as we walked out. We quickly walked out and each took a turn being greeted by Jimmy. Once we sat down, it got started. “Welcome. How are you two?” he asked. He looked to me and smiled. “We’re good. It’s been a long trip. We’ve been from Vancouver, to LA for Ellen, Arizona and Dallas for two book signings, and then here. It’s been a long few days,” he answered. I nodded. “Now, I know what the truth is, but we just have to ask. Are you two dating?” Jimmy asked. “I mean, you’ve come out that you two are dating, yet it looks like you’re not even speaking to each other.” He said gesturing to the couch we were sharing. The crowd laughed, and then laughed as Taylor scooted closer to me. “You want proof?” Taylor asked. Jimmy nodded. “I do, I think we all want to see some glimmer of proof Taylor.” He said. The crowd started to chant – ‘Kiss, kiss, kiss,’ and Jimmy even joined in.

aylor looked to me and smiled, and leaned over to kiss my cheek. I quickly turned and gave him a light peck on the lips, and then he sat closer to me, and put his arm around me. I pumped my fist excitedly.

How’s production coming along? You’re almost ready for the premiere, aren’t you?” Jimmy asked. “We are, it’s coming up.” Taylor said. “Have you heard anything about a second movie, to follow the second book? Wow, that sounded a little redundant. Second movie?” he asked. “We are excited to tell everyone Renesmee’s Starlight is going to start pre production in about four to five months, hopefully. We’ve got to get cast and everything else.” I said. “Are you going to continue with the score?” he asked looking to me. “I am, I’m excited. I’ve got some good ideas, and I haven’t had a chance to pick up my guitar and pick everything out, but when I do, I’m going to start.” I said. “Who’s going to be directing?” he asked. I smiled and sort of looked down, so Taylor took that question. “Chris Weitz will be coming back, but Cadi will be helping out. Stephenie asked her to help.” Taylor said smiling. The group cheered and Jimmy tried to get a few words in. “Are you excited?” he finally asked. “Goodness, yes I am, but I’m also nervous. This is my first time really giving direction. I was just the actress and composer to the score of the movie, now it’s all of that, and you’re adding director. It’s a little nerve – racking.” I said. “What are your goals in helping make this movie?” he asked. “Well, I really want to make sure Stephenie Meyers is involved as much as she can be. Chris and I have been talking and we want to get some of the good dialogue involved in the book between the Volturi and Ness, the intimacy between Jacob and Ness. The bitterness that the family has toward Jacob. How protective the pack is over Ness. Small things that might get overlooked.” I said.

What will happen next??

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