Monday, May 4, 2009

My Life is Average Blurb...

Today I was coming home from school on the subway when a huge group of little girls got on. They were all wearing pink backpacks with barbie, or bratz, or the disney princesses. One of the girls was wearing a batman backpack. She looked at my batman t-shirt, threw up the horns, and told me to "rock on". She must have been about 7. I have faith in our future females. MLIA.

Today, while giving my dog a treat I tried to be clever and told him to sit when he was already sitting. He got up, stepped to the side, and sat back down. I've been outsmarted. MLIA.

Today I read a story on MLIA about someone standing next to an empty cop car and holding up a hairdyer to see if cars slowed down. I tried this today. After 10 minutes of people slowing down because of my hairdyer, I heard a knock from behind be and realised there was a cop in the car who had been watching me the whole time. He gave me a free donut. MLIA.

Today my grandfather came over for a visit. He gave me a hug and shook my hand. Mid hug, he said "you didn't get it from me" and shoved a sugar packet into my hand. When I looked at the packet, he had scratched out the word "sugar" on the front and replaced it with "crack" I love my family.

Today, my friend and I went to see New Moon, but dressed as wizards. We told the cashier we were from the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. They let us in for free. MLIA.

Today I was talking to my boyfriend on Facebook chat while he was in the computer lab at his school. I was ranting about my day and how I really needed a hug. His response? "I just hugged the computer monitor and now everyone's giving me weird looks." Soulmates. MLIA.

Today, I saw a police man texting while driving. His window was down, so I pulled up next to him and said, "I am going to have to report you, officer." He looked up at me, startled, and motioned for me to follow him. We then turned into the sonic drive-in. He proceeded to buy me a slushy. You are forgiven, Cop Nelson. MLIA.

Today, my mom took my phone away from me. I really wanted it back so in mystery google I put in "please text my mom and tell her to give me my phone back" and then I included her number. About a minute later my mom walks in my room with a very worried look on her face and a text that read "It would be a smart idea to give your daughter her phone back." She gave it back to me. Thank you to whoever that was. MLIA.

Today I was correcting tests, I'm a TA, and one kid had drawn a picture of an elephant over a question and written "An elephant is blocking this question so I can't answer it. Sorry." I responded by drawing a lion eating the elephant and writing "Unfortunately, Mufasa, the red correcting pen lion, has eaten your elephant so now the question is blank and wrong. Sorry." Welcome to the jungle kid. MLIA.

Today, I was on Mystery Google and received a secret mission. I have to capture someone's garden gnome and then take pictures of it in different locations. Then return the gnome and put the printed photos on their doorstep. This is going to be the highlight of my week. MLIA.

Today, my sister was talking about having kids. She said, "Wouldn't it be terrible if you had a kid and it was ugly?" Without missing a beat, my dad said, "Oh, it's not so bad." MLIA.

Today, I joined the ongoing Yahoo vs. Google battle by entering "my girlfriend" in both. Yahoo presented me with "my girlfriend's house", while Google gave me "my girlfriend hasn't had her period since she got pregnant do you think the baby is drinking the blood?" Yahoo, just give up. MLIA.

Today I drove past a guy with a sign saying, "HONK IF YOU THINK I'M GORGEOUS!" A few hundred metres down the highway I saw another guy with a sign reading, "HONK IF YOU THINK HE WASN'T!"... Made my day. MLIA.

Today, I tried #9 on 333 ways to get kicked out of walmart, where you dress up as batman and yell “COME ROBIN! TO THE BATMOBILE!”. I wore a batman shirt instead and proceeded to do this when a old man popped out of a aisle (with a red shirt and black pants mind you) and yelled back "HOLY MACKEREL BATMAN, WHERES THE TROUBLE!?" We then ran down the aisle singing the old batman song until my mom and his daughter caught us. I love old people. MLIA.

Today, I learned that there was a Wikipedia page for Crayola Crayons colors. Not only does it list every color, but it also has a color sample. I've never made a happier discovery. MLIA.

Today, my Grandma gave me her Facebook password, and told me that when she dies, I have to leave creepy messages on all my cousins walls using her account. Thanks, Grandma. You have my word. MLIA.


Today, I was texting my boyfriend while watching TV in my room. I asked him what he was doing, and he said "about to scare someone." Before I could reply asking him who it was, suddenly arms came from under my bed and grabbed my legs causing me to scream hysterically. He had been waiting there for 3 hours to do that. It worked. MLIA.

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