Tuesday, October 27, 2009

10 things i'm happy i've learned

10 things i've learned about myself lately

# 10
i've learned to take what the world throws at me [please not too hard]

# 09
i've learned that Life can be short, so live well, laugh often, love sweetly

# 08
i've learned that kids are the bomb dot com! They don't care if John broke up with Jane.
They don't care if the dress Jane is wearing isn't the next big thing.
All they care about is the toy they're going to play with and food! Sometimes even
pooping and sleeping.

# 07
i've learned to accept things as they are. Sometimes things aren't set in stone.
Other times they are.

# 06
i've learned...
i can't change things that have happened.
My mistakes are my mistakes, but
other peoples' mistakes are their mistakes

# 05
i've learned to smile 8) It's the best look anyone can give you.

# 04
i've learned that boys can be
stupid, careless, hurtful, dumb, thoughtless

But i've also learned that we can be
spiteful, vindictive, crazy, hormonal, rude, tiring, hateful, careless, hurtful, thoughtless

# 03
i've learned that it isn't worth it unless you make it that way

# 02
i've learned to put my faith in someone. Sometimes i loose that faith, but i can still work towards regaining that faith

last but not least...

# 01
i've learned that if i sometimes loose faith in others, i still need to keep the faith in myself...

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