Thursday, October 1, 2009

Part 3 - Creative [Kre] - ay - [tiv]

"Wow, this is going to be excited. I was excited because I loved the books, and you were in the first movie, so I wanted to watch it, but now that you’re making your directorial debut, I’m definitely going. Now, Taylor, you have had a few projects since you wrapped up filming, can you elaborate?” “Not really. I can’t. It’s all going to be revealed in due time.” He said. “Now, tell us, are you comfortable telling us how your relationship has been. Especially you and Taylor?” he asked. “Should we tell him?” I asked. “I guess. It’s funny.” He said. “This is a prank that Alex, and Kiowa and I were going to play on her, and she ended up getting me back.” He said. It was a movie that they had filmed, for fun. I was playing my viola, and not paying attention, and Alex came up with a fake wolf mask on, scaring me. I jumped and pegged Taylor in the face with my bow. “What are you doing? Beating up your own boyfriend?” Jimmy asked. “He had it coming. I put in head phones that I can plug into this viola that I have, and I have something that I can record all my music on, and I was really in this mood to get a piece for the movie done, and I wasn’t paying attention. He came up behind me, and scared the sh-crap out of me.” I said smiling. The crowd laughed as I tried not to swear. “So that’s where the pictures and questions of an unhealthy relationship came from?” he asked. “Yes, it is, and it’s stupid. We laugh at it now.” He said smiling. He looked to me, and I lightly tapped his jaw with my fist. “You know, sometimes with those boys, it’s a love – hate relationship.” I said smiling. “Love – hate relationship.” He scoffed. “When we get back, we’ll get a sneak peek of the coolest scene in the book, the ravine jump.” He said.
“Welcome back. We’re so excited. We get to see a sneak peak of the Ravine Jump in the movie. Explain this scene they’ll be seeing.” He said. “Go ahead.” I said looking to Taylor. “Well, this is the famous Ravine Jump where Ness saves the day, but this is a scene that you won’t see in the theaters, this is a different situation. In the DVD, we’re going to give you three different versions to see. The first is the theatrical version; the second is the extended version, including scenes that may have been extended. The third version is the full movie with the option to watch either the deleted scenes, extended scenes, bloopers, and all the behind the scenes stuff separately or as one movie. It’s going to be great. The version we’re going to show you, is the original scene, with a deleted scene in between, the deleted scene being extended.” He said. “I think I got that. Okay, here’s the Ravine jump.” He said. He put the scene on, and the lights dimmed, and I took Taylor’s hand as it started.

Scene: The scene plays, at the Black’s house, and the camera follows into Jacob’s garage.

Ness: Are you sure he said this road? It may be easier to get to the bridge.

Jacob: Either way, it’s going to be difficult. This one will be clearer. We’ll have clearings for most of the ride.

Ness: Okay. Are you ready?

Jacob: No, not really. Are you?

Ness: Never really ready for a death sentence.

Scene: Ness walks to her bike, and straddles it. Jacob walks to her, puts her helmet on her, and then leans down and kisses her. He starts to talk to her and she smiles a fake smile. He kick starts the bike and then walks to his bike and does the same thing. The scene changes to the over view of the helicopter – cam flying over the two bikes’ trail they’re traveling. The scene changes to them riding side by side. Ness looks around, and the wolves are running along both sides of the trail they’re riding on. Ness sees something in the trees and looks quickly to Jacob and he’s gone. Her bike swerves, and she falls off into a bush. She slowly gets out, and limps to the ravine.

Ness: Jacob? JAKE! Oh god. (Jacob quickly comes up out of the water.) Oh god Jake! Jake are you okay?

Jacob: I’m fine. Are you okay?

Ness: I’m okay. Let me go get help.

Jacob: (holding onto a rock.) No. We don’t have time. You need to get across the ravine first.

Ness: And how do you suggest I do that?

Jacob: Jump your bike.

Ness: Jake. No.

Jacob: It’s the only way. I’ll climb up so I’ll be there when you get across. You can do it. Just take your bike up the road a ways, and jump it. If you speed enough you can pass the ravine.

Scene: (In a montage.) Ness watches a few seconds as Jacob starts to climb. The screen fades to him on the other side. She slowly takes the bike and walks away. (Montage stops.) She starts riding, and speeding faster. She starts to clear the ravine, when the wind picks up and the bike starts to fall. Jacob runs and jumps and grabs the wheel of the bike. He throws it, and then falls. He hits a small cliff first, as Ness is thrown into the cliff wall. She falls a little bit and lands on the small cliff.

“Well, this is amazing. What do you think?” he asked the crowd. They cheered, and clapped. “What was your favorite part about that part of the movie?” he asked. “The stunts. It was so fun to do our own stunts. Unfortunately the ravine itself was a green screen, but we fall from a pretty good height.” He said. “Acadia?” “Well, the stunting was my favorite. Plus I like that the whole movie Jacob and the boys are the hero’s, and soon Ness gets to be the heroin for once, and save the day. It’s also a very important recollection of Ness’s thoughts, and then a really important dialogue between Ness and Jacob.” I said. “What is your favorite line? Both of you. Out of the whole book, or the scene.” He asked. “Mine is the line she says after I fall off the bike into the ravine. The ‘and how do you suggest I do that?’ line. It was really hard, because we had to yell like we were in a ravine, and we started to get bored, so we played around, and changed the line from ‘how am I going to do this to the other one, and we had a blast doing it.” Taylor said. “Cadi?” he asked. “My favorite line would have to be in the scene where Ness and Jacob go to the hospital in Seattle to get blood for Ness. And she says to Jacob as she’s stealing a car to take to the hospital. She says, ‘I can’t help it, I learned from my aunt, it’s an issue we’re working out.’ Ashley Greene came up with that line off the top of her head, David loved it and took it to Melissa, and then Melissa ran it by Stephenie, who loved it.” “Okay, next up, is Paramore, singing their single hit for the movie, ‘Love is,’ and then I’m going to talk on satellite with Gerard Butler and Minnie Driver about their latest movie, Passion’s Killing. Thank you for coming, you two.” He said. We smiled, and waved and then they went to a commercial break.

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