Sunday, October 11, 2009

10 things you don't know about me...

10. I love to sing and dance. No one for sure knows that. I'm so shy, I hate being in front of people.
09. i am in love/obsessed, got to have Christian Bale. i think it's the accent that gets you.
i love him in the Dark Knight and i loved him in Newsies (i over watched that movie.) i
also loved him in Little Women.
08. i love strawberry popsicles. i even prefer them if they're natural fruit. Any way they're made, i love STRAWBERRY POPSICLES! i don't know what it is, but the delicious cold goodness is all you need to enjoy on a hot, hot day.
07. i love Horses. Now, i know almost everyone knows that, but some people don't. I know that some people think I'm scared of them too, but I love the creatures so much.
06. My Dorm room had an African theme to it. i love elephants, lions, monkeys. i have a nice tan and brown zebra print throw blanket with brown feathers around the edge!!
05. i played the drum in Middle school. i stopped because of the teacher. But i still keep up with playing the piano.
04. i've never been able to write consistantly in a diary. i always got bored. i'm working on that.
03. When i was younger, i always had to have iv's at the hospital. i always grinned and beared it, for i was putting on a brave face. i truly hate needles and the sight of blood. i actually fainted after getting blood drawn at the hospital lab. Thank god it was a cute doctor!
02. i have had a major crush on this kid i met in my summer ward at school. SHHHH don't tell anyone.
01. i have a thing for guys in uniform. Recently, I went on a date with a friend of mine that's in the national guard. My cute guy friend that i have that secret crush, well, he's in the national guard too. He also wants to be an FBI agent or crime scene investigator. i saw a cute cop stopping someone on a walk the other day. Cute guy at the phone company, (He had on a shirt that matched the other guy.) i know a cute fireman, you know I luv a cute guy in uniform.

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