Monday, October 26, 2009

This was going to be a RIP blog, for the last day of Cena being on RAW. Even I had my doubts when it came to the thought of John beating Randy Orton. Yesterday, 'U Can't see me Cena' most definitely won!

Let me tell you, Randy Orton is PSYCHOTIC!

John Cena made a deal with the devil, so to speak a couple weeks back on Monday Night Raw. He wanted a rematch against Randy for the WWE Champ title and belt...In the rematch deal, it was an Iron Match. Which means anything goes. An hour, two men and they can use everything from the crowd, the floor, the tables, chairs, weapons. Randy went a little to far that night, from what I heard. I don't have pay per view, so I couldn't watch it... BOOO...

Anyhoo... The evil bastard, made John apart of the Pyrotechy stuff for the show... Almost permanently... You could see the crowd was shocked, and Randy, well he's lost it...

ITS AN F***ING BELT!! GO make one...

I guess there was even a little blood shed.. Maybe I'm glad I didn't watch it, because supposedly RAW doesn't like blood shed either.

'Last night when I beat Randy Orton, I think I earned the right to say NO!!!' - His epic quote on Monday Raw - when some stupid tag team, what was their name? Oh yeah Leagacy. When the stupid tag team Legacy challenged --- Wait for it... JOHN CENA, for his freshly won title of WWE against Randy Orton... Thank you Mr. Cena. This takes the saying, just say neooo! to the next level..

I <3 U! John Cena, you're my hero...I'd let him protect me! NO... I don't love you...I <3 U SO much!

He said some other stuff, and then left the stage, to reveal Legacy's newest opponent. The stupid tag team Legacy... would fight Mark Henry and MVP. [Big Boy!] Here's how the show has gone so far...

The big show and Chris Jericho are reliving their wins, and how the Big show basically screwed over his partner in their matches on pay per view last night. The two youngest nascar winners, who guest host tonight, bring in their entrance, of peeling in - in their race cars, and then getting into the ring. After a little banter, the two hosts announced that 'The Big Show' and Triple H, [The opponent that 'The Big Show' screwed over,] would have a rematch. After that, there's a break...

When you come back to the show, there's a DIVA tag team fight, guy and diva against guy and diva.

Legacy, starts to talk to Randy Orton, and bribe him with a promise that they'd take the title from John Cena, or at least fight him, with giving him a racecar. With his body [Randy Orton's] on the hood. Seriously... Go look in an F***ing mirror... Question??? Who would want to watch someone in underwear?? Can't say I do. Me, I'm more of a bare skin and jean shorts kind of girl. Throw in some knee pads, and voila! I'm set.

So then the ref is scolding one of the guys from legacy and MVP has one of the other legacy guys... [I know, I'm great with names] has him pinned, and the stupid ref doesn't notice him pinned until later. Luckily MVP pinned him for the three seconds!

Note: This is all before match... Legacy looses against MVP and Mark Henry... Randy Orton comes out pissed off that he can't get a rematch with John Cena, and then claims he'll go to the board of directors to get a rematch...On the big screen, then comes out Kofi Kingston... He says and I almost quote. 'Don't you get it, it's over. No one cares about what you think.' Randy wanted him to say it to his face, and Kofi says, I am. He's standing on the brand new racecar that Legacy gave to Randy Orton.. He then proceeded to ruin and trash that nice nascar car with his ugly face!! Woot Woot! He keyed, brought out a big crow bar ['Oh, do you have a bug on your hood. Let me fix that Randy.'] Man Randy looked pissed. It looked like he was throwing a few F Bombs too. I guess he just needed to vent [Kofi Kingston that is.] Randy Orton aparently rammed Kofi Kingston into the stage during his Iron Match against John Cena... It wasn't going very good.

The next fight was The Miz against Evan Bourne. There was some girl... A guest ring announcer, one of the DIVA championships. Jack swagger comes out, and starts flirting with the girl, saying 'No one's watching you, because they're watching Missy (I think) [the girl] look at me, no they're watching me look at her. Evan Bourne gets out of the ring to confront the other idiot Jack Swagger, and then wins by a count out after The Miz comes out and does a big drop from the top of the ring ropes to the floor on top of the wonderful Jack Swagger, and Evan Bourne.

After the commercial, they announce this new comer... The Celtic Wonder... This freaky looking guy who's freaking tall. [And note: He's got a terrible accent.] ANY WAYS.. Sheamus, the Celtic Wonder, was brutal... He was picking his opponent, Jamie somethin or another up. Dude he was brutal!!!

Now, here's the fight I loved the best. Really unifying a team. The match between Degeneration X's Triple H and the Big show... Supposedly 'The Big Show' totally screwed over his team... They start to circle each other, and Triple H comes up, and interrupts the fight to say, it has become a lumberjack fight...Sean Michaels - the other half of DX [Degeneration X] comes out to say that it's a lumberjack fight, against the whole Raw Team Roster, and it's a no disqualification match. That means that the whole team that The Big Show screwed over, could do anything to him. MY KIND OF MATCH...[When my favorite wrestler isn't fighting...] Sean Michaels excuses the ref, as the king of the Raw Locker room John - U CAN'T SEE ME - Cena is the guest ref. Let me tell you... John Cena looks good in stripes... Ref stripes.

They went to commercial break, and after that I guess it went down hill for a little while. Here's the question of all questions...How do you take down a 485 lb, 7 foot man? Yes, 'The Big Show' is that weight and height. can't believe it. Sometimes they're crazy. But John can! He even took a turn and slammed him down for a second... It was almost close when Triple H gave him a DX Chop, but then some how they got him to the mat, and Evan Bourne does the coolest back flip from the ring post on to, Mr. 'The Big Show,' Sean Michaels took a turn to the aid of his partner, and TRIPLE H WINS!

The Raw Locker room unified to take down the big show and his betrayal at bragging rights last night... Right before the show ends.. The co - hosts come out, to tell John who his next opponent is for the title... Some little midget came out, and for a second I thought, hey he can do it... Then, as they're standing together, [Sean Michaels, John Cena, and Triple H] they announce that John will go against Sean Michael and Triple H in a survivor series... I'M ADDICTED...

Here are the people I love looking at and watching:

-John Cena of course... There's something about him.. Especially the way he's so giving to fans... He's a big part of Make a wish foundation, as is Raw. I also like his look.. He doesn't wear underwear... He wears jean shorts, knee pads to be safe, shoes, and his green arm sweatband... Love his look!
-Kofi Kingston - need I say more.. His name draws you.. That's how it was for me...
-Jack Swagger the all american american... [kind of redundant, but still, fun to watch] His cocky ways are going to get him, and his sort of cute looks in trouble. I'd like him to go against John Cena or Randy Orton.. No, maybe not Randy Orton... No one deserves to fight against spawn of Satan... even someone as stupid and redundant and stupid, and idiotic as Jack Swagger. Idiota, estúpido. Need I say more...he's a stupid idiot!
-The Miz [cute.. really good looking.] The little rivalry he has with Jack Swagger is rediculous.. It's as rediculous as the one between Randy Orton and John Cena was. Maybe they'll be the next Randy and John Rivalry, or maybe not...
-Evan Bourne [Never mind.. Evan is cuter than The Miz...]
-Chris Jericho - picture Gollum blowing a raspberry in either the first, second or third movie when he's being offered food that he doesn't like.. That's what I have to say to you and it's mutual for The Big Show too.
-Triple H and Sean Michaels.. Degeneration X is growing on me!
-Shamus - Celtic Wonder....just the brutal strength is something to get your attention.. He said he was going to make his mark on his first time at Raw, and he did... with the viewer's and his opponent's back.

There are a lot of idiots here...

Just like John said, they do it for themselves, for the shiney belts, and for us!!! Yeah! I feel honored!

Next week to host...

Mr. And Mrs. Osborne - yes Ozzy and Sharon...

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