Saturday, October 17, 2009

seven things i get to be grateful for...

Here are 7 things I'm grateful for while being in UTAH...

# 07
I still have family in Utah...If i need to get away from Ephriam
i can always go to Salt Lake or Lehi to see family. 

# 06
I've started to state my independency. Slowly but surely
but I've still started!

# 05
I have met some wonderful people here...I think i know quite a lot of people, and that's good. I don't know why, but it feels important...

# 04

We all know Change is good. It can happen at certain times, and we can see it as either bad or good. I've had A LOT of change, but as i look back, i'm not real upset about it any more...

# 03
My life....
If you haven't heard, there's a couple in Utah somewhere, that had a very bad accident, crashed in a plane, the husband made it away with 30% of his body only burned by 3rd degree burns, but the wife, had 3rd degree burns over 80% of her body...She lives life to the fullest, makes me want to appreciate it so much...

# 02
Twelve is the opposite of Twenty one. 12 = 21
I've almost lived twenty - one years of my life!
For some odd reason i'm grateful for that, and it isn't
because i'm old enough to buy alcohol, but because
i've had 21 years of experience so far, and as far as i
know i'll have 21 more years!

# 01
i've made some great friends

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