Monday, November 30, 2009

The man of the Hour... P Fach

Last night, i had the most wonderful dream...

i was in this hit TV show with none other than the one and only Peter Facinelli. He of course played a doctor vampire, but not only did he play a doctor vampire, he played my doctor vampire. There are so many reasons why i love Peter Facinelli, and let me list some of the reasons.

Reason 1!

The man plays Patriarch to four of the awesomest vampires.

Sorry Edward, my heart will always belong to your funny,
'taken' siblings and of course my wolf man Jacob Black

Reason 2!

Patriarch Carlisle, is lucky, for the picture next to him.

Not just because Carlisle's got Esme.


I think she's going to be the next Angelina Jolie...

She's definitely prettier... in my opinion.

Reason 3!

Dr. Carlisle Cullen. It just has a ring to it.

Reason 4!

This 5 foot 10 inch actor, has a beautiful look to him.
He was born November 26th 1973, just 15 years, 1 month and 2
days older than me... Not bad, huh?

Reason 5!

He's a dad. What's greater than that? Grandpa?
He and Jennie met while filming, 'An Unfinished Affair, in 1996.
He has three kids with Jennie Garth. Daughters Luca Bella, born in 1997.
Lola Ray born December 6th of 2002 and Fiona Eve on September
30th of 2006.

Reason 6!

He's Italian - American and g
rew up in Ozone Park, Queens, New York.
He's s
tudied acting at the Atlantic Theater Company Acting School,
New York City, New York under such teachers as William H. Macy,
Felicity Huffman, Giancarlo Esposito and Camryn Manheim.
He a
ttended St. Francis Preparatory High
School in Fresh Meadows, New York.

Reason 7!
New projects and old projects that rock!

Thicker coming out in 2010

He's rumored to be in the Absinthe Drinkers, coming out in 2009
He's of course the loveable Dr. Cullen in Eclipse, coming out in the summer of 2010

New Moon of course, just came out and he was Dr. C again!
He's the Twitter obsessed Dr. Fitch Cooper on Nurse Jackie

Dr. C again in Twilight in 2008
Greg in Finding Amanda in 2008
Jesus in the Reaper in 2008 - [I knew it.. he's Jesus.. thank God!]
Paris in Arc in 2006
Danny in 'The L
ather Effect' in 2006
Curtis in E
nfants terribles in 2005
Takmet in the Scorpion King in 2002
Larosn in Supernova in 2000

Rick Connor in 'An Unfinished Affair' in 1996

Reason 8!

I just love him...

Sunday, November 29, 2009

New Moon Makes $$$

According to Gossip Cop, the Twilight Saga New Moon has topped $473.7 million worldwide!!

stimated international cumulative is now up to $243 million!

orth American cumulative is now up to $230.7 million!

Holy W
OW! New Moon is still going strong! How many times have you seen New Moon? When do you think New Moon will top $500 million?!!!

onday 11/23 – $10.5 million
uesday 11/24 – $11.5 million
ednesday 11/25 – $14.3 million
hursday 11/26 – $9.2 million
iday 11/27 – $17.7 million
aturday 11/28 -$16.5 million

he five days from 11/25-11/29 is estimated to be $66 million!

ernational figures from 11/25:

hese are updated details on what was an estimated $132 million opening weekend in 24 international markets. Sources at Summit give the following breakdown:

rgentina – $1.36M market cume - Australia – $14.78M market cume
razil – $7.86M market cume - Belgium – $2.66M market cume
roatia – $221K market cume - Denmark – $1.6M market cume
rance – $18.9M market cume - Finland – $967K market cume
reece – $2.3M market cume - Holland – $1.2M market cume
ungary – $710K market cume - Indonesia – $47K market cume
aly – $15.3M market cume - Mexico – $7.7M market cume
w Zealand – $1.9M market cume - Norway – $2.1M market cume
oland – $1.5M market cume - Philippines – $2.4M market cume
ussia – $9M market cume - Spain – $15M market cume
weden – $2M market cume - Switzerland – $713K (French) + $95K (Italian) market cume
hailand – $1.4M market cume - Turkey – $1.9M market cume
UK – $19.5M market cume

Saturday, November 28, 2009

RollingStone Q & A with Taylor Lautner...

Rolling has a bonus Q & A with Taylor Lautner who is the cover story for the December issue of Rolling Stone magazine. Taylor talks about the love triangle between Bella, Jacob and Edward.

on’t you think that when some fans see New Moon, they may be disappointed, because you’re kind of the villain in a way ~ I have some pretty passionate team Jacob fans [laughs].

ight. But you’re also the obstacle getting in the way of the great romance between Bella and Edward. ~ I can see where you’re coming from. The thing is, Jacob and Edward are two completely different guys. They are opposites. And it’s just what kind of girl you are. If you like that more mysterious, dangerous type, then that’s one guy. I personally love Jacob and Bella’s relationship, and how they began as friends. They are so much more open, and can tell each other anything. And Bella and Edward’s relationship, it’s always tense. It’s always serious. But Jacob and Bella’s friendship starts growing stronger and stronger and you just wonder if they can go past friends. It looks like that at some points.

ut when your character hangs up on Edward in New Moon, it sets off the whole chain of events that almost lead to a major tragedy. That’s something a villain would do. ~ Yes. that is part of Jacob’s character. He can’t really control himself. When he gets mad, he gets mad. And all Jacob has on his mind is on Bella. That’s who he cares for. That’s who he loves. If somebody gets in his way, it’s not good. And he will explode. So I guess you could see that either way.

nd then Bella is always lying to Edward so she can see you. This is supposed to be like true love forever, so why can’t she just be honest? ~ You know, she’s serious with Edward and then she meets best friend Jacob. She gets confused.

ut you’re not really her friend. You have an agenda with her, and you’re always making snide comments about Edward. ~ If I was Jacob, and I feel like I have lived as him, it gets so annoying. Because she’s in the car with you one moment, about ready to kiss you and then she leaves and is with Edward. And then she’s back with you, you know.

hy do you think Jacob and Edward likes Bella so much? ~ Because she’s different, meaning she’s more of the plain Jane type. You know, she’s not fake. I know that attracts me too. Just somebody who is down to earth and themselves. I mean, apparently Edward likes her smell. But Jacob’s relationship with her is — Jacob has just always liked her. They used to be friends because their fathers are best friends. And he’s just always had a crush on her since he was a kid. Now they are getting to that stage where things can start!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Spin Magazine Q & A with Nikki Reed

SPIN magazine has a great Q & A with Nikki Reed [Rosalie Cullen] about her musical favorites and t-shirts collection.

ame a song that you’ve listened to in the past 24 hours. ~ “She’s Only Happy in the Sun.” It’s nonstop Ben Harper in my apartment. My first boyfriend played me this song when I was 14 because my life back then was all about going to Venice Beach. Luckily, we didn’t have a bad breakup, so I don’t have any painful memories attached to the music.

n that note, what song do you associate with your first kiss? ~ D’Angelo’s “How Does It Feel” was playing at the time — in my head. Honestly, the most memorable make-out sessions I ever had were in the 2003 movie Thirteen. Those were hardcore.

ho would you like to portray in a rock biopic? ~ Rickie Lee Jones. Last year I went to see her at the Largo in L.A. on Valentine’s Day by myself. She seems eccentric. She started telling stories about her childhood, and I was thinking, “Oh, maybe this is the night when she wants to make this a personal experience.” But it turns out she does that all the time.

hat’s the first album you bought with your own money? ~ The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill. I liked her in Sister Act 2. Also, I grew up in an area where I was a minority, so it was culturally diverse.

o you have a go-to karaoke song? ~ I don’t drink, and karaoke is something you should only do drunk. But I’m obsessed with Adele. I put on “Chasing Pavements” and sing it in my apartment. The great thing about Adele is if you put her on top volume, you actually sound like her while you’re singing. I’ve gotten a few complaints from the neighbors.

hat’s the most prized T-shirt in your collection? ~ Friend and New Moon star Kristen Stewart and I share a lot of clothes, so I wear a lot of Joan Jett shirts.

risten is playing her in a movie. ~ Yeah, Joan made replicas of the ones she used to wear in the ’80s and gave them to us.

hat’s the last concert you attended? ~ I saw the Dead Weather in Vancouver, where we’re shooting [the third Twilight film] Eclipse. I got really into Jack White two years ago because of my friend Sage. She quizzes me on rock music, asking me things like “Who’s your favorite Beatle?”

o who is your favorite Beatle? ~ I guess Paul McCartney. This is going to be a controversial thing to say, but I don’t really understand the Beatles. If Kristen were here right now, she would slap me across the face. Then again, if I ask her, “What’s the first line of Biggie’s ‘Juicy’?” she wouldn’t know. Why don’t people sit around and talk about Ol’ Dirty Bastard the way they do the Beatles?

Friday, November 20, 2009

I'm Betting on Alice...

i finally got to see New Moon! i am in love...
Here are some of the highlights of the movie that i loved!

Alice with her birthday present for Bella. i love how she exuberantly jumped
off the banister of the school like she did, not a care in the world if anyone noticed.
' "Happy Birthday Bella!" Shh! i said no birthdays." "You'll like it. Wear it to the party, seven o' clock." '

Jasper gets to use his powers. i just love this picture of them too. Hate his wig though.

' "Jazz, shh. Shh, it's okay, it's just a little blood." ' She then looks to Bella with her arm covered in blood. ' "i'm sorry, i can't." ' Yes! Jasper gave me the creeps! He was in character.

Even though this is behind the scenes, i love this part.
i loved when she walks in, and turns around and Alice is there. Makes you jump! it was a cute jump into Alice's arms.
' "Bella, what in the hell is that god awful wet dog smell?" "I think that may be me." then along the lines of, "Jacob is a werewolf or something."
Jacob enters...

Alice excuses herself.
' "Alice, you aren't leaving, you're going to come back?" '
' "Just as soon as you put the dog out." ' *smile!

i love the deep bond that Bella and Alice have. i also love that the feelings of taking their lives for one another is mutual. The Volturi creeps me out... way to go Chris Weitz!

The Voting scene.
i loved it.
' "i already see you as a sister." ' [Hugs] ' "So yes." '
<3'd how well they got the dialogue of Rosalie's part perfectly [i think.]
[this isn't word for word. i just loved it.]
' "i am really sorry for what happened. I appreciate how brave you were to go save my brother, but this isn't a life i would've chosen. i wish someone could've voted no for me." [pause.] "So no."
' "Hell yes, we can fight the Volturi some other way." '
i loved how Esme's just full of love.
i loved Carlisle's response to Edward's:
' "Why are you doing this to me?" '
Something along the line of ' "yada yada yada. I can't loose my son." '

All in all I loved Alice in this movie!

And as for Kristen, Kristen's performance was amazing!
She got the emotions so well.
i would've hated doing that part.
All the emotion tied in to it.
i loved the transition from Wolf, to Sam carrying Bella home to Charlie.
i hated Bella's pain, because i'm sure some day, in some way or another i'll relate.
i loved and hated the emails she narrated in sending to Alice.
i loved Jessica and her rambling.
i loved the ' "Hall Monitors on Steroids." '
i loved the movie scene with Mike and Jacob.
i loved the ' "Bella, i know what he did to you, but i will never hurt you," ' or something
' "He is weird." ' [After Jacob attacks Mike verbally]
i loved Bella going to Jacob. ' "You've cut your hair, and gotten a Tattoo." '

i hated Jacob telling her to go away.
i loved Jacob climbing the house to get in.
i loved Bella just staring at Jacob, then putting her fist to his abs.
i loved Jacob telling her to remember.
i loved that Bella remembers, for Jake's sake.
i loved Bella going into the Black's house, and opening Jacob's room. He was a little to big for the bed.
i loved Bella seeing the boys, and confronting them.
i loved Bella slapping Paul.
i loved Jacob rushing in to save the day.
i loved the fight between Paul and Jacob.
Emily: She's gorgeous.
Emily: ' "Save some for your brothers, and ladies first." '
i loved the, ' "Who's this?" "Bella Swann." "So you're the vampire girl?" '
and... Bella's response.
' "So, you're the wolf girl." '
And Emily's response: ' "Well, i guess you could say that. i'm engaged to one."
i loved the love and adoration in Sam's eyes when he came in and saw Emily.
i loved that Bella and Jacob go and talk.

i loved Bella's and Jacob's lines in this part:
' "Jacob, you've killed people." "We're only killing what we're trying to save you from." "Jacob you can't kill vampires." "Killing the bloodsucking leech with dreads wasn't hard and the red headed one is next." "Victoria." "We don't know what she wants." "i know what she wants. [pause for dramatic suspense.] Me."
i loved the chase between the wolf pack and Victoria.
i hated the fact that Mr. Clearwater went bye - bye.
i loved the scene in the car, Jacob explaining how Sam
got angry for a split second, and she got in the way.
i loved how he was protective enough to slam the door closed to save her from the leech Victoria, to find out it was Alice Cullen!

i hated how Jacob overstepped some boundaries on the phone thing.
i hated Edward calling and ruining the 'almost' kiss.
i hated that Jacob begged and begged Bella to stay, and Bella didn't.
i loved that he reached into the car.
i loved Alice's driving.
i wished they put in Alice sweet talking to the guard.
i loved the run through the square to save Edward.
i loved the first embrace with Bella and Edward.
i loved Demetri and Felix come in.
i loved Edward's: ' "Go to hell." '
i loved Alice's: ' "Guys, come on, it's a festival. You wouldn't want to cause a scene." '
i loved the stupid receptionist for the Volturi.
i loved the elevator????
i loved the dialogue about the stupid receptionist for the Volturi.
"Does she know?" "Yes." "Does she want to?" "Yes." "She'll become it," - Jane - "Or dessert!"
i loved the fight scene.
i loved how creepily accurate they made Aro creepy. He was a CREE - P!
i loved how Marcus acts old. i loved his dismissing them.
i loved Caius. He was legit.
i love, love, loved when they're leaving, the boy vampire says to the girl vampire ' "Save me some" ' after she says, ' "don't they look juicy?" '
i liked how they portrayed the screams going to a dream that Bella has.
i loved Charlie... all through out the movie.
i loved the voting scene, and how beautiful it was.
i loved Jacob in the middle of the road.
i hated how it ended. i won't spoil it. i promise
i can't wait for Eclipse!

Is it worth it?

Waiting in line for this? Yes.
Waiting only for that. Maybe.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Taylor Lautner interview with Access Hollywood @ Neww Moon Premiere

Oh... Did i tell you?

3 days!

The Cullen Family @ New Moon Premiere Monday

As the Cullens always do, Peter Facinelli [Carlisle], Elizabeth Reaser [Esme]
Ashley Greene [Alice], Kellan Lutz [Emmett], Nikki Reed [Rosalie] and last but
most importantly not least Jackson Rathbone [Jasper] arrived in style at the premiere of
New Moon Last night! 

Chaske Spencer @ the New Moon Premiere last night

Chaske Spencer New Moon wolf Sam Uley was looking
might fine at the premiere of New Moon on monday!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Elizabeth Reaser attends Prada Book Launch

New pictures of New Moon’s vampire mommy Elizabeth Reaser (aka Esme Cullen) at the Prada party in Beverly Hills this past Friday. The party was held at the Prada store on Rodeo Drive, in celebration of the new Prada book.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

A little Sunday Inspiration...

Be still my soul...David Archuleta

EFY Medley - "As sisters in Zion and We'll bring the world his Truth."

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Chocolat Chocolate Chip Cookies

Lately I've been craving chocolate - chocolate chip cookies, with white chocolate chips, so here's a creat recipe. Go here, and enjoy! [You can substitute the chips for anything you want. I decided to substitute the chocolate chips for white chocolate.] I decided on a Double Chocolate Walnut cookie!


1 c. ghiradelli milk chocolate - chocolate chips, 1/2 c. shortening, 1 c. sugar
1 tsp. vanilla, 1 egg, 2 tbsp. Milk, 1 1/2 c. flour, 1 tsp. baking powder, 1 tsp. salt
3/4 c. chopped walnuts, 1 bag ghiradelli White chocolate chips

Melt 1/2 cup chocolate chips in double boiler. Cream together shortening, sugar, and vanilla until fluffy. Blend in melted chocolate. Mix in egg, beat well. Stir in milk. Combine flour with baking powder and salt. Blend flour mixture into batter. Stir in remaining 1/2 cup chocolate chips, white chocolate chips and nuts. Drop by teaspoon about 2 inches apart onto cookie sheet. Bake at 350 degrees for about 15 minutes.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Stephenie Meyer was on Oprah today...

Stephenie Meyer came on to Oprah, for her only interview ever [?!?!?] Let me tell you, it was probably not that great of a show. I mean, Oprah, gives money away. How about the 'Molly is a poor college student' fund? Anyhoo...The show starts off with I guess some Kareokee contestants. She had eliminated 5 the friday before, and today, it was down to three more. The five the friday before, all recieved a check for $25,000. EACH! That's $125,000 dollars total. The winner will recieve $250,000 dollars, so I'm sure the two that don't win will get something amazing...Anyway, back to Twilight. Stephenie Meyer, as we all know is an amazing woman! She would not have made the books, she would have been a no go...Without her, we wouldn't have the beloved books...Oh yeah, I said it. They talked about how the Meadow scene and ch. 13 in the book, was how it started. It was a dream Stephenie had, and in her own Fantasy world, she wanted to know the characters better... Aww! There was a different ending, but her mother persuaded her to add more action, and that warrants the introduction of the Volturi. When Stephenie first met Edward, he was someone who in a good way, 'didn't' look like anyone else. He was different. Different is good. I'm just look forward to seeing that amazing set of abs on, you know who... JACOB BLACK or TAYLOR LAUTNER for that matter! A librarian, some teachers and a few students from a middle school in Missouri, or Mississippi or somewhere with an M, clad in New Moon T's said that there was a waiting list of 1000 for the book. So, Harpo, lovely Harpo being the beautiful woman she is, told the group on skype, she'd be sending 600 copies of the book, and not just Book 1, or book 4 or one of the other two, but a full set of all 4 books!

The dude that came in 3rd got $50,000
The dude that came in 2nd got $100,000
The dude that came in 1st got $250,000 and some other junk! The first place winner reminded me of Rueben Studdard, who beat the Gay Clay Aiken out unfairly...

Oprah's site here, and This site here, are great sources for new Moon, etc!

<3 Molly

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Community New Moon Reread

Chapter 17: Visitor

“Unnaturally still and white, with her large black eyes intent on my face, my visitor waited perfectly motionless in the center of the hall, beautiful beyond all imagining. My knees trembled for a second, and I nearly fell. Then…I hurled myself at her.”

Sheeeeeeeeee’s baaaaaaaaaaack!!! Stand up, round of applause, dance on a table, whatever you want to do because Alice is back Jack!

It’s as if no time has passed, Alice and Bella’s relationship (that we’ve learned from the final 2 books) is a relationship that runs extremely deep, deeper than a sisterly bond, there are really no words to explain it as depicted here.

~Pg. 382 “I locked my arms around her, gasping to inhale as much as the scent of her skin as possible. It wasn’t like anything else - not floral or spice, citrus or musk. No perfume in the world could compare. My memory hadn’t done it justice. I didn’t notice when the gasping turned into something else - I only realized I was sobbing when Alice dragged me to the living room couch and pulled me onto her lap. It was like curling up to a cool stone, but a stone that was contoured comfortingly to the shape of my body. She rubbed my back in a gentle rhythm, waiting for me to get control of myself.”
Pg. 383 Alice sighed. “I’d forgotten how exuberant you are,” she said her tone was disapproving. I looked up at her through my streaming eyes. Alice’s neck was tight, straining away from me, her lips pressed together firmly. Her eyes were black as pitch. “Oh,” I puffed , as I realized the problem. She was thirsty. And I smelled appetizing. It had been a while since I had to think about that sort of thing. “Sorry.” “It’s my own fault. It’s been too long since I hunted. I shouldn’t let myself get so thirsty.”
At this point Alice explains exactly why she returned to Forks & to the Swan residence. After seeing the vision of Bella jump from the cliff, Alice hopped on the first plane she could (thirsty and all) & headed straight to Forks. I simply love the fact that Alice’s first instinct was to comfort Charlie, even after all this time. The love she has for Bella still lives on.
Pg. 385 “I watched curiously as an enigmatic range of emotions flitted across her face. Something was bothering her-her imperfect vision? But I wasn’t sure. Then she deliberately leaned in and sniffed my shoulder. I froze.” See what the hale I mean folks? Let’s just keep repeating this to ourselves: Alice loves us, she would never hurt us…Alice loves us…She would never hurt us.
Pg. 386 Don’t you just love the rapport between these two? Their comfy conversations are just so easy breezy, back and forth, very matter-of-factly, like Bella isn’t sitting there talking to an extremely thirsty vampire.
Pg 387 Apparently Bella smells. I mention it, because its our first real look into the whole vampire smell sweet…too sweet until it burns your nose, and the wolves smell awful like wet dog issue. The whole thing is too funny to me, especially the way Jacob gets all wound up when he smells the vamps. This is also where Bella goes in to deep detail about her friendship with the wolves, since the Cullen’s have been away. “Leave it to you Bella. Anyone else would be better off when the vampires left town. But you have to start hanging out with the first monsters you can find.” Gotta love Alice!
Pg. 389 Tugs at my heart strings. We all knew Bella lost herself when the Cullen’s left, but here Bella displays just how deeply lost she felt. “Our leaving didn’t do you any good at all, did it?” “That was never the point, though, was it? It’s not like you left for my benefit.” “Well…I guess I acted impulsively today. I probably shouldn’t have intruded.” I could feel the blood draining from my face. My stomach dropped. “Don’t go, Alice,” I whispered. My fingers locked around the collar of her white shirt and I began to hyperventilate. “Please don’t leave me.”
g. 390 Jacob calls (oh boy) “Charlie?” “No, its me.” “Jake!” “Just making sure you were still alive.” “I’m fine. I told you that it wasn’t-” “Yeah. I got it. Bye.” All right all my wolf lovers, what cha got to say about that? I’m going to leave it alone, the boy is hurting enough.
Yay! Alice is spending the night. Alice finally goes to hunt (thank goodness, I was getting a bit nervous) How cute is it when Alice kisses Bella on the cheek, then bounces to get some wildlife.
Pg. 400 We finally get some insight to Alice’s background. “My name was Mary Alice Brandon. I had a little sister named Cynthia. Her daughter- my niece- is still alive in Biloxi.” “Did you find out why they put you in…that place?” What would drive parents to that extreme? Even if their daughter saw visions of the future. “I couldn’t find much about them. I went through all the old newspapers on microfiche. My family wasn’t mentioned often; they weren’t part of the social circle that made the papers. My birth was announced…and my death. I found my grave. I also filched my admissions sheet from the old asylum archives. The date on the admission and the date on my tombstone are the same.”
Pg. 403 Jacob Black arrives the next day, and we learn that Alice’s visions go “blind” when the werewolves come around.
This has been a long day and a very long post. I have tried to add as much as I could. Now it’s all on you…I can’t wait until I read your comments.
8 DAYS! 8 More Days people!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Community New Moon Reread

Chapter 16: Paris

“It was a black car-a car I knew. I might be the furthest thing from an autophile, but I could tell you everything about that particular car. It was a Mercedes S55 AMG. I knew the horsepower and the color of the interior. I knew the feel of the powerful engine purring through the frame. I knew the rich smell of the leather seats and the way the extra-dark tint made noon look like dusk through those windows.”

hh, she’s coming. Tomorrow my lovlies! I had to do that guys, I just had to. Let’s just get through this chapter & be fair to the wolf pack lovers after all they have been excellent in this book.

irst of all Jacob does an amazing job, saving Bella from drowning. This better be in the movie and I want detailed scenes!
ad news. Harry Clearwater has a heart attack.
~ I t
hought it was too cute when Jacob & Bella went back to the Blacks’ home, Jacob didn’t even stretch out across his bed, he simply crashed on the floor of all places, next to Bella’s feet. Loyal!
ella reflected on Romeo & Juliet for too many pages for my taste & I simply skipped it all.
It’s official. Harry Clearwater has died.
~Pg 374-375 Bella finally professes her love for Jacob (In her own Bella way). “I couldn’t imagine my life without Jacob now-I cringed away from the idea of even trying to imagine that. Somehow, he’d become essential to my survival. But to leave things the way they were…was that cruel, as Mike had accused? I remembered wishing that Jacob were my brother. I realized now that all I really wanted was a claim on him. It didn’t feel brotherly when he held me like this. It just felt nice-warm and comforting and familiar. Safe. Jacob was a safe harbor.” “I would have to commit to this-commit as much of me as there was left, every one of the broken pieces. It was the only way to be fair to him. Would I? Could I? Would it be so wrong to try to make Jacob happy? Even the love I felt for him was no more than a weak echo of what I was capable of, even if my heart as far away, wandering and grieving after my fickle Romeo, would it be so very wrong?"
g. 376 Even though he has proved it over and over, I think this is where it finally sunk in for me, just how deep Jacob’s love for Bella truly is. “Sorry I know you don’t feel exactly the way I do Bells. I swear I don’t mind. I’m just so glad you’re okay that I could sing-and that’s something no one wants to hear.”
g. 377 “What’s wrong?” “Vampire.” His eyes were wild, raking the dark street. He barely seemed aware of the tremors that were rolling through his body. “Phase or get her out of here?” Ok folks this is freaky. Who is Jacob talking to? This is the thing that scares me about young wolves, they aren’t completely in control of their emotions yet. I honestly thought Jake was going to morph right then and there and fly out of the truck window.
g. 379 Attention: The honeymoon is over. This is where it all goes south for me, and where my love/hate relationship with Jacob begins. “There’s a vampire in your house, and you want to go back?” “Of course.” “You’re sure it’s not a trick?” “It’s not a trick. It’s Carlisle. Take me back!” “No. Take yourself back, Bella…Bye Bella, I really hope you don’t die.” Wtf? Seriously Jacob? Was all that necessary?
g. 381 “Suddenly something Jacob had told me this afternoon echoed in my head, finally sinking in…” She took off into the water, he’d said. The bloodsuckers have the advantage there. That’s why I raced home-I was afraid she was going to double back swimming.” My hand froze in its searching, my whole body froze into place, as I realized why I recognized the strange orange color in the water. Victoria’s hair, blowing wild in the wind, the color of fire. She’d been there. Right there in the harbor with me and Jacob. If Sam hadn’t been there, if it has been just the two of us…?”

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Community New Moon Reread (Catch up!)

Chapter 15: Pressure
“It was spring in Forks again. When I woke up on Monday morning, I lay in bed for a few seconds absorbing that. Last spring break, I’d been hunted by a vampire, too. I hoped this wasn’t some kind of tradition forming…”

Can you feel the intensity? Pressure is definitely the perfect name for this chapter. Everything that happens is so surreal, let’s get right to it.

irst of all, after all this time Mike Newton still won’t give it a rest, Bella doesn’t want you!
~Jacob explains to Bella that all of their wounds heal at a rapid pace (which I think is way awesome)
~I'd f
orgotten that Billy nearly ended up like Emily when Jacob first morphed into a wolf
~We learn that Jake & Quil are actually second cousins
~Pg. 348 This is the part that has me a little miffed. When Bella spills the beans about the Cullens “extra talents” yes they were gone, and she never knew if they were ever going to return, but still it’s not your business to tell, and Jacob as her friend should’ve never asked her in the first place, because at this point it’s neither here nor there, what Alice, Jasper or Edward’s special talents are.
Pg. 358 Hallucinations are back yay! “Bella.” “Yes.” “Don’t do this.” “You wanted me to be human…watch me.” “Please. For me.” “But you won’t stay with me any other way.” “Please.” And then I flung myself off the cliff.
~Bella gives up and begins to drown
~I’m really shocked that Bella actually jumped off the cliff. It’s so not…Bella. She’s just not that gutsy or adventurous to me. I think it’s an excellent representation of just how desperate she is for any piece of Edward she can get a hold of…even if it entails jumping off a cliff into ice cold waters… *sigh*
Chapter 14: Family
"Again they reminded me of brothers, quadruplets. Something about the way they moved almost in synchronization to stand across the road from us, the way they all had the same long, round muscles under the same red brown skin, the same cropped black hair, and the way their expressions altered at exactly the same moment." Bring on the action! Finally some goodies, let’s get right to it.

~This is the first time we get to see just how bad of a temper (super hot drool worthy) Paul has.
~pg. 325 Stephenie Meyer once again does an excellent job on describing the transformation of human Paul into his wolf form. "Paul roared in outrage. Another shudder, a convulsion, heaved through his body. He threw his head back, a real growl tearing from between his teeth. Paul seemed to fall forward, vibrating violently. Halfway to the ground, there was a loud ripping noise, and the boy exploded. Dark silver fur blew out from the boy, coalescing into a shape more than five-times his size-a massive, crouched shape, ready to spring. The wolf's muzzle wrinkled back over his teeth, and another growl rolled through his colossal chest. His dark, enraged eyes focused on me."
~The fight scene. Jake & Paul go at it jack! I mean they get to scrappin!
~Aren’t Jared & Embry just so awesome?
~Pg. 329 My favorite quote from Embry: "She runs with vampires."
~We are formally introduced to Emily Young & her awful facial scars. Emily is Sam Uley’s fiancee and Leah Clearwater’s cousin.
Muffins yum!
~Pg. 332 For once Bella serves up some sassiness when Emily doesn’t seem too pleased to see Bella in her kitchen. 'She stared at me, and neither half of her once beautiful face was friendly. "So you’re the vampire girl." I stiffened. "Yes. Are you the wolf girl?" '
~Pg. 333 We finally get a closer look into the loving relationship between Sam & Emily. 'The front door opened, and Sam stepped through. "Emily," he said, and so much love saturated his voice that I felt embarrassed, intrusive, as I watched him cross the room in one stride and take her face in his wide hands. He leaned down and kissed the dark scars on her right cheek before he kissed her lips.' I hope they show that scene!
~Now the secret is out. Everybody knows about everybody. There are no more secrets, now the drama can begin. What are your thoughts or feelings on this chapter? Also if anyone has any good theories, you know I’m always ready to hear them.
Chapter 13: Killer
This chapter basically gets you all caught up on things if you haven’t been following.
~Bella confronts Jacob on being a werewolf.
~It’s official Laurent is indeed dead, the wolf pack did kill him.
~Victoria is on the warpath testing her boundaries in the town, in order to get to Bella.
~We learn that in their wolf form, all the wolves can hear each other, speak to each other & read each others thoughts (freaky).
~Pg. 321 “Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf” I had to throw that in there.
~While this chapter wasn’t action packed, it sure did have a lot of drama going on, not to mention all the knowledge we gained about the wolves. What are your favs from this chapter?
10 Days!

Monday, November 9, 2009

My favorite New Moon TV Spot by far!