Thursday, November 5, 2009

Community New Moon Reread

Chapter 10: The Meadow
“There was nothing special about this place without “him”. I wasn’t exactly sure what I’d hoped to feel here, but the meadow was empty of atmosphere, empty of everything, just like everywhere else. Just like my nightmares…”

We all know this is the chapter that gets the ball rolling, so without any further ado here goes:

~Jacob gets “mono” (sure, sure - we all know what happens)
This is the first mention of Harry Clearwater’s impending heart condition, and while Harry really doesn’t have a major roll in the saga, don’t cha just love the old guy? I mean his fish fry is famous for goodness sake! Not to mention we all love his family, yes even Leah. Wolf Girl.
~I'm starting to not really like Billy Black. I
do understand that Billy has to protect the secret of the wolf pack, but he is being unacceptably rude to Bella on the phone, hanging up on her all the time, some adult he is.
~Charlie's starting to bug me too. He overreacts at some of the most rediculous things, he also under reacts at Bella's unbelievable and rediculous plans for the day. How is she a terrible liar, but she can pull the "wool" over a police chief's eyes?

~The hallucinations are back! But so is Laurent…yikes
~This is the first time since he left, that Bella actually speaks Edward’s name.
~Pg. 240 “You must not mean very much to him if he left you here unprotected.” Ouch! I still love the blunt truth Jacob gives!
Pg. 241 “I’m quite thirsty, and you do smell…simply mouthwatering.” (I had to throw that one in for you guys.)
~Victoria proves herself to be boss, since she sent Laurent to Forks to get a lay of the land. I feel she always knew she would be putting him in danger by sending him back there. I feel it was done purposely, she kills two birds with one stone so to speak; she gets Laurent to do her dirty work, & also gets revenge on him for befriending the Cullen’s. That’s one of my theories, what are yours?

We are nearly half way there buddies!!! Hang on it only get’s better!
15 DAYS!

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