Friday, November 6, 2009

Community New Moon Reread

Chapter 11: Cult
“It was his expression that made him almost completely unrecognizable. the open, friendly smile was gone like the hair, warmth in his eyes altered to a brooding resentment that was instantly disturbing. There was a darkness in Jacob now. Like my sun had imploded…”

ot too much happening in this chapter besides Stephenie Meyer making us go insane wondering what the hell is up with Jacob, even though we know.

am Uley annoys me as always, it is what it is
~Again with Billy’s behavior now he & Charlie are going at it
~Now the whole hallucination theory, after reading New Moon 3 times I finally saw the light & deduced that it was Bella’s subconscious playing tricks on her into thinking Edward was there in some ghost form or another, hell if I know. But how would Bella’s mind tell her to allow Jacob to calm down if she didn’t already know what he was? Yes we know it’s bad news bears to get them upset, because then they may morph into a wolf, but she didn’t know that yet. Hmmm
Now back to Billy Black. Had he handled the situation with Jacob differently, maybe things wouldn’t have blown up the way they had between him & Charlie. It’s called damage control Mr. Black!

ike I said not much really happening in this chapter, but it’s just enough to get my blood boiling and having the hairs on the backs of our necks stand straight up. What are your feelings about this chapter? Only 14 more days!

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