Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Community New Moon Reread

I am finally on chapter 8 & 9 of the countdown, which means 16 days till the release of New Moon.
Chapter 8: Adrenaline
'The motorcycle was better than I’d dreamed. It had served it’s purpose. I’d cheated-broken my promise. I’d been needlessly reckless. I felt a little less pathetic now that the promises had been broken on both sides.'
Chapter 9: Third Wheel

Ahhh the bike chapter! I love the bike chapter. The reminiscent memories, and i love how much detail Stephenie Meyer has given us, when it comes to breaks, the clutch & throttle of the bikes, not to mention the very detailed account of Bella’s emotions as she prepares for her first official ride.

Here are some of my favorite highlights from this chapter:
· Jacob shirtless in Bella’s truck on the way to the ER, ok – ok there you guys happy now? I for sure wantto see that part in the movie!
· Quote from pg. 190 - 'By the way,' he added (Jacob) 'I'm going to disconnect your foot brake tonight.'
· Quote from pg. 192 'Jacob really did look older than sixteen-not quite forty, but maybe older than me. Quil didn’t have too much on him in the muscles department, for all that Jacob claimed to be a skeleton. The muscles were the long wiry kind, but they were definitely there under the smooth skin. His skin was such a pretty color, it made me jealous. Jacob notice my scrutiny. 'What?' He asked, suddenly self-conscious. 'Nothing. I just hadn’t realized before. Did you know, you’re sort of beautiful?' Once the words slipped out, I worried that he might take my impulsive observation the wrong way. But Jacob rolled his eyes. 'You hit your head pretty hard, didn’t you.' 'I’m serious.' 'Well, then, thanks. Sort of.' I grinned. 'Your sort of welcome.' - Word for word... PLEASE!
· Jacob & Bella go on their hiking trip to find 'The Meadow.'
This chapter I totally hate Bella for some reason. I thought she should've been a bit more tactful on who she played on Jacob's emotions and his feelings towards her. She could’ve been a bit more convincing because the kid feels overconfident in being able to win her over. At the same time, Jacob sets himself up for heartbreak. Bella shuts him down & yet he still comes back for more and that’s the foundation of their relationship throughout the entire saga. Bella tells Jacob no, but he doesn’t care, he pursues her relentlessly again and again, then gives her attitude when she doesn’t return love the way he wants her to. Bella also adds fuel to the flame by continuously being there everyday, acting basically like a girlfriend to Jacob…an unfair situation for the both of them, she needs him & he wants her. But you play with fire and you will get burned every time…

These are some quick favs of mine in this chapter:

· Jacob finishes 'The Rabbit!' yes! I can't wait to see it

· I think it’s hilarious to picture Jacob & Bella riding in the front of the rabbit, while poor Mike is the third wheel sitting in the back. Mike is forced to steal Bella’s attention by putting his face on her seat, nearly touching her cheek! Gosh this kid can’t take a hint, whats with these Forks guys?

· Pg. 212 this is where Jacob could’ve saved himself two and a half books of heartache. - 'Sure enough as soon as I sat down, he shifted over to put his arm around my shoulders. 'Jake,' I protested, leaning away. He dropped his arm, not looking bothered at all by the minor rejection. He reached out and took my hand firmly, wrapping his other hand around my wrist when I tried to pull away again. Where did he get the confidence from? 'Now, just hold on a minute, Bella,' he said in a calm voice. 'Tell me something.' 'What?' 'You like me, right?' 'You know I do.' 'Better than that joker puking his guts out in there?' 'Yes.' 'Better than any of the guys you know?' 'Better than the girls, too.' 'But thats all.' It was hard to answer, to say the word. Would he get hurt and avoid me? How would I stand that? 'Yes,' I whispered. 'That’s okay, you know. As long as you like me best. And your think I’m good looking-sort of. I’m prepared to be annoyingly persistent.' And that he is, goodness he is.

Mistake 1,785,204. At this point Bella should’ve let Jacob down gently, but firmly. I personally don’t think it would’ve been too bad, he already has one up on poor Mike Newton who was in the bathroom puking up his entire insides. Like I said Bella used no tact when it came to Jacob or his feelings. It would’ve behooved her to do so, but once again I feel she was being selfish because then she would be alone if Jake decided to cut her off completely for not reciprocating on those feelings.

· Pg. 213 Bella does try, but I feel it’s a little too late. This is where Jacob sets himself up for heartache as well. 'I’m not going to change.' 'It’s still the other one isn’t it?' 'You don’t have to talk about it.' 'But don’t get mad at me for hanging around okay?' 'Because I’m not giving up, I’ve got loads of time.' 'You shouldn’t waste it on me,' I said, though I wanted him to. "It’s what I want to do, as long as you still like to be with me.' 'I can’t imagine how I could not like being with you.' 'I can live with that.' 'Just don’t expect more.'

See the flip flopping, and back peddling? Also actions speak louder than words. Bella can say no all she wants, while no means no in every sense of the word, she constantly displays a constant need for Jacob. And Jacob, already head over heels in love with Bella, is desperate for any form of company and affection she will give him.

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