Friday, November 13, 2009

Stephenie Meyer was on Oprah today...

Stephenie Meyer came on to Oprah, for her only interview ever [?!?!?] Let me tell you, it was probably not that great of a show. I mean, Oprah, gives money away. How about the 'Molly is a poor college student' fund? Anyhoo...The show starts off with I guess some Kareokee contestants. She had eliminated 5 the friday before, and today, it was down to three more. The five the friday before, all recieved a check for $25,000. EACH! That's $125,000 dollars total. The winner will recieve $250,000 dollars, so I'm sure the two that don't win will get something amazing...Anyway, back to Twilight. Stephenie Meyer, as we all know is an amazing woman! She would not have made the books, she would have been a no go...Without her, we wouldn't have the beloved books...Oh yeah, I said it. They talked about how the Meadow scene and ch. 13 in the book, was how it started. It was a dream Stephenie had, and in her own Fantasy world, she wanted to know the characters better... Aww! There was a different ending, but her mother persuaded her to add more action, and that warrants the introduction of the Volturi. When Stephenie first met Edward, he was someone who in a good way, 'didn't' look like anyone else. He was different. Different is good. I'm just look forward to seeing that amazing set of abs on, you know who... JACOB BLACK or TAYLOR LAUTNER for that matter! A librarian, some teachers and a few students from a middle school in Missouri, or Mississippi or somewhere with an M, clad in New Moon T's said that there was a waiting list of 1000 for the book. So, Harpo, lovely Harpo being the beautiful woman she is, told the group on skype, she'd be sending 600 copies of the book, and not just Book 1, or book 4 or one of the other two, but a full set of all 4 books!

The dude that came in 3rd got $50,000
The dude that came in 2nd got $100,000
The dude that came in 1st got $250,000 and some other junk! The first place winner reminded me of Rueben Studdard, who beat the Gay Clay Aiken out unfairly...

Oprah's site here, and This site here, are great sources for new Moon, etc!

<3 Molly

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