Friday, November 20, 2009

I'm Betting on Alice...

i finally got to see New Moon! i am in love...
Here are some of the highlights of the movie that i loved!

Alice with her birthday present for Bella. i love how she exuberantly jumped
off the banister of the school like she did, not a care in the world if anyone noticed.
' "Happy Birthday Bella!" Shh! i said no birthdays." "You'll like it. Wear it to the party, seven o' clock." '

Jasper gets to use his powers. i just love this picture of them too. Hate his wig though.

' "Jazz, shh. Shh, it's okay, it's just a little blood." ' She then looks to Bella with her arm covered in blood. ' "i'm sorry, i can't." ' Yes! Jasper gave me the creeps! He was in character.

Even though this is behind the scenes, i love this part.
i loved when she walks in, and turns around and Alice is there. Makes you jump! it was a cute jump into Alice's arms.
' "Bella, what in the hell is that god awful wet dog smell?" "I think that may be me." then along the lines of, "Jacob is a werewolf or something."
Jacob enters...

Alice excuses herself.
' "Alice, you aren't leaving, you're going to come back?" '
' "Just as soon as you put the dog out." ' *smile!

i love the deep bond that Bella and Alice have. i also love that the feelings of taking their lives for one another is mutual. The Volturi creeps me out... way to go Chris Weitz!

The Voting scene.
i loved it.
' "i already see you as a sister." ' [Hugs] ' "So yes." '
<3'd how well they got the dialogue of Rosalie's part perfectly [i think.]
[this isn't word for word. i just loved it.]
' "i am really sorry for what happened. I appreciate how brave you were to go save my brother, but this isn't a life i would've chosen. i wish someone could've voted no for me." [pause.] "So no."
' "Hell yes, we can fight the Volturi some other way." '
i loved how Esme's just full of love.
i loved Carlisle's response to Edward's:
' "Why are you doing this to me?" '
Something along the line of ' "yada yada yada. I can't loose my son." '

All in all I loved Alice in this movie!

And as for Kristen, Kristen's performance was amazing!
She got the emotions so well.
i would've hated doing that part.
All the emotion tied in to it.
i loved the transition from Wolf, to Sam carrying Bella home to Charlie.
i hated Bella's pain, because i'm sure some day, in some way or another i'll relate.
i loved and hated the emails she narrated in sending to Alice.
i loved Jessica and her rambling.
i loved the ' "Hall Monitors on Steroids." '
i loved the movie scene with Mike and Jacob.
i loved the ' "Bella, i know what he did to you, but i will never hurt you," ' or something
' "He is weird." ' [After Jacob attacks Mike verbally]
i loved Bella going to Jacob. ' "You've cut your hair, and gotten a Tattoo." '

i hated Jacob telling her to go away.
i loved Jacob climbing the house to get in.
i loved Bella just staring at Jacob, then putting her fist to his abs.
i loved Jacob telling her to remember.
i loved that Bella remembers, for Jake's sake.
i loved Bella going into the Black's house, and opening Jacob's room. He was a little to big for the bed.
i loved Bella seeing the boys, and confronting them.
i loved Bella slapping Paul.
i loved Jacob rushing in to save the day.
i loved the fight between Paul and Jacob.
Emily: She's gorgeous.
Emily: ' "Save some for your brothers, and ladies first." '
i loved the, ' "Who's this?" "Bella Swann." "So you're the vampire girl?" '
and... Bella's response.
' "So, you're the wolf girl." '
And Emily's response: ' "Well, i guess you could say that. i'm engaged to one."
i loved the love and adoration in Sam's eyes when he came in and saw Emily.
i loved that Bella and Jacob go and talk.

i loved Bella's and Jacob's lines in this part:
' "Jacob, you've killed people." "We're only killing what we're trying to save you from." "Jacob you can't kill vampires." "Killing the bloodsucking leech with dreads wasn't hard and the red headed one is next." "Victoria." "We don't know what she wants." "i know what she wants. [pause for dramatic suspense.] Me."
i loved the chase between the wolf pack and Victoria.
i hated the fact that Mr. Clearwater went bye - bye.
i loved the scene in the car, Jacob explaining how Sam
got angry for a split second, and she got in the way.
i loved how he was protective enough to slam the door closed to save her from the leech Victoria, to find out it was Alice Cullen!

i hated how Jacob overstepped some boundaries on the phone thing.
i hated Edward calling and ruining the 'almost' kiss.
i hated that Jacob begged and begged Bella to stay, and Bella didn't.
i loved that he reached into the car.
i loved Alice's driving.
i wished they put in Alice sweet talking to the guard.
i loved the run through the square to save Edward.
i loved the first embrace with Bella and Edward.
i loved Demetri and Felix come in.
i loved Edward's: ' "Go to hell." '
i loved Alice's: ' "Guys, come on, it's a festival. You wouldn't want to cause a scene." '
i loved the stupid receptionist for the Volturi.
i loved the elevator????
i loved the dialogue about the stupid receptionist for the Volturi.
"Does she know?" "Yes." "Does she want to?" "Yes." "She'll become it," - Jane - "Or dessert!"
i loved the fight scene.
i loved how creepily accurate they made Aro creepy. He was a CREE - P!
i loved how Marcus acts old. i loved his dismissing them.
i loved Caius. He was legit.
i love, love, loved when they're leaving, the boy vampire says to the girl vampire ' "Save me some" ' after she says, ' "don't they look juicy?" '
i liked how they portrayed the screams going to a dream that Bella has.
i loved Charlie... all through out the movie.
i loved the voting scene, and how beautiful it was.
i loved Jacob in the middle of the road.
i hated how it ended. i won't spoil it. i promise
i can't wait for Eclipse!

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