Saturday, November 28, 2009

RollingStone Q & A with Taylor Lautner...

Rolling has a bonus Q & A with Taylor Lautner who is the cover story for the December issue of Rolling Stone magazine. Taylor talks about the love triangle between Bella, Jacob and Edward.

on’t you think that when some fans see New Moon, they may be disappointed, because you’re kind of the villain in a way ~ I have some pretty passionate team Jacob fans [laughs].

ight. But you’re also the obstacle getting in the way of the great romance between Bella and Edward. ~ I can see where you’re coming from. The thing is, Jacob and Edward are two completely different guys. They are opposites. And it’s just what kind of girl you are. If you like that more mysterious, dangerous type, then that’s one guy. I personally love Jacob and Bella’s relationship, and how they began as friends. They are so much more open, and can tell each other anything. And Bella and Edward’s relationship, it’s always tense. It’s always serious. But Jacob and Bella’s friendship starts growing stronger and stronger and you just wonder if they can go past friends. It looks like that at some points.

ut when your character hangs up on Edward in New Moon, it sets off the whole chain of events that almost lead to a major tragedy. That’s something a villain would do. ~ Yes. that is part of Jacob’s character. He can’t really control himself. When he gets mad, he gets mad. And all Jacob has on his mind is on Bella. That’s who he cares for. That’s who he loves. If somebody gets in his way, it’s not good. And he will explode. So I guess you could see that either way.

nd then Bella is always lying to Edward so she can see you. This is supposed to be like true love forever, so why can’t she just be honest? ~ You know, she’s serious with Edward and then she meets best friend Jacob. She gets confused.

ut you’re not really her friend. You have an agenda with her, and you’re always making snide comments about Edward. ~ If I was Jacob, and I feel like I have lived as him, it gets so annoying. Because she’s in the car with you one moment, about ready to kiss you and then she leaves and is with Edward. And then she’s back with you, you know.

hy do you think Jacob and Edward likes Bella so much? ~ Because she’s different, meaning she’s more of the plain Jane type. You know, she’s not fake. I know that attracts me too. Just somebody who is down to earth and themselves. I mean, apparently Edward likes her smell. But Jacob’s relationship with her is — Jacob has just always liked her. They used to be friends because their fathers are best friends. And he’s just always had a crush on her since he was a kid. Now they are getting to that stage where things can start!

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