Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Community New Moon Reread (Catch up!)

Chapter 15: Pressure
“It was spring in Forks again. When I woke up on Monday morning, I lay in bed for a few seconds absorbing that. Last spring break, I’d been hunted by a vampire, too. I hoped this wasn’t some kind of tradition forming…”

Can you feel the intensity? Pressure is definitely the perfect name for this chapter. Everything that happens is so surreal, let’s get right to it.

irst of all, after all this time Mike Newton still won’t give it a rest, Bella doesn’t want you!
~Jacob explains to Bella that all of their wounds heal at a rapid pace (which I think is way awesome)
~I'd f
orgotten that Billy nearly ended up like Emily when Jacob first morphed into a wolf
~We learn that Jake & Quil are actually second cousins
~Pg. 348 This is the part that has me a little miffed. When Bella spills the beans about the Cullens “extra talents” yes they were gone, and she never knew if they were ever going to return, but still it’s not your business to tell, and Jacob as her friend should’ve never asked her in the first place, because at this point it’s neither here nor there, what Alice, Jasper or Edward’s special talents are.
Pg. 358 Hallucinations are back yay! “Bella.” “Yes.” “Don’t do this.” “You wanted me to be human…watch me.” “Please. For me.” “But you won’t stay with me any other way.” “Please.” And then I flung myself off the cliff.
~Bella gives up and begins to drown
~I’m really shocked that Bella actually jumped off the cliff. It’s so not…Bella. She’s just not that gutsy or adventurous to me. I think it’s an excellent representation of just how desperate she is for any piece of Edward she can get a hold of…even if it entails jumping off a cliff into ice cold waters… *sigh*
Chapter 14: Family
"Again they reminded me of brothers, quadruplets. Something about the way they moved almost in synchronization to stand across the road from us, the way they all had the same long, round muscles under the same red brown skin, the same cropped black hair, and the way their expressions altered at exactly the same moment." Bring on the action! Finally some goodies, let’s get right to it.

~This is the first time we get to see just how bad of a temper (super hot drool worthy) Paul has.
~pg. 325 Stephenie Meyer once again does an excellent job on describing the transformation of human Paul into his wolf form. "Paul roared in outrage. Another shudder, a convulsion, heaved through his body. He threw his head back, a real growl tearing from between his teeth. Paul seemed to fall forward, vibrating violently. Halfway to the ground, there was a loud ripping noise, and the boy exploded. Dark silver fur blew out from the boy, coalescing into a shape more than five-times his size-a massive, crouched shape, ready to spring. The wolf's muzzle wrinkled back over his teeth, and another growl rolled through his colossal chest. His dark, enraged eyes focused on me."
~The fight scene. Jake & Paul go at it jack! I mean they get to scrappin!
~Aren’t Jared & Embry just so awesome?
~Pg. 329 My favorite quote from Embry: "She runs with vampires."
~We are formally introduced to Emily Young & her awful facial scars. Emily is Sam Uley’s fiancee and Leah Clearwater’s cousin.
Muffins yum!
~Pg. 332 For once Bella serves up some sassiness when Emily doesn’t seem too pleased to see Bella in her kitchen. 'She stared at me, and neither half of her once beautiful face was friendly. "So you’re the vampire girl." I stiffened. "Yes. Are you the wolf girl?" '
~Pg. 333 We finally get a closer look into the loving relationship between Sam & Emily. 'The front door opened, and Sam stepped through. "Emily," he said, and so much love saturated his voice that I felt embarrassed, intrusive, as I watched him cross the room in one stride and take her face in his wide hands. He leaned down and kissed the dark scars on her right cheek before he kissed her lips.' I hope they show that scene!
~Now the secret is out. Everybody knows about everybody. There are no more secrets, now the drama can begin. What are your thoughts or feelings on this chapter? Also if anyone has any good theories, you know I’m always ready to hear them.
Chapter 13: Killer
This chapter basically gets you all caught up on things if you haven’t been following.
~Bella confronts Jacob on being a werewolf.
~It’s official Laurent is indeed dead, the wolf pack did kill him.
~Victoria is on the warpath testing her boundaries in the town, in order to get to Bella.
~We learn that in their wolf form, all the wolves can hear each other, speak to each other & read each others thoughts (freaky).
~Pg. 321 “Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf” I had to throw that in there.
~While this chapter wasn’t action packed, it sure did have a lot of drama going on, not to mention all the knowledge we gained about the wolves. What are your favs from this chapter?
10 Days!

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