Saturday, November 7, 2009

Community New Moon Reread

Chapter 12: Intruder
“A huge, dark shape wobbled erratically on the other side of the glass, lurching toward me like it was going to smash right through. I staggered back, terrified, my throat closing around a scream…Victoria.”

So much went down in this chapter, let’s get right to it!!

Yayyyyy Jake’s a werewolf, did ya guess?
love how Stephenie Meyer goes back to some “Twilight” quotes when Bella is rewinding the conversation she & Jacob had at LaPush beach.
~Bella finally realizes that she may just not be wound too tightly, after all she can attract the strangest set of people, cant she?
~I love how Bella really shows her love for her father, when Charlie tells her he has to go and check on the wolf situation, and maybe kill one of them, besides her flipping out on Edward in the hospital bed in Twilight, we hadn’t really seen Bella this riled up…ever.
~I like how Jacob shows off his acrobatic skills when swinging into Bella’s bedroom window without making a sound, then when he leaves he passes that annoying squeaky step on the staircase.
I’m just finally happy all this guessing and torture is over. Jake’s a wolf, now let’s get on with it already. I need Jake & Paul to fight, I want the kitchen scene with the huge blueberry muffins, & I need Volterra!

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